EBRD Grants 30 Million Euro Loan for Moldova-Romania Electrical Network Interconnection Project

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will provide our country with a loan of 30 million euros for the interconnection of electrical networks between the Republic of Moldova and Romania. A draft decision initiating negotiations in this regard was approved today by the Government.

The project involves the construction of an overhead power line that will connect the city of Bălți and the city of Suceava, which has reached the second phase of the works. According to the Minister of Energy, Victor Parlicov, with the construction of this line, our country will be much more energy stable and will no longer depend as much on what happens on the left bank of the Dniester River or in Ukraine.

“The procedure for contracting the company that will prepare the specifications for our part, such as the left bank of the Prut River, has already been initiated. In discussions with the Romanian side, we have set around the year 2027-2028 as the target for both of us to put this line into operation,” said Victor Parlicov.

Several components of the project will be funded with the money provided by the EBRD. This includes the construction of the Bălți-Suceava power line, the construction of a power station in Bălți, and the rehabilitation of internal energy transport networks in the Republic of Moldova.

It is worth mentioning that in 2017, the “Interconnection of Electric Power Networks between the Republic of Moldova and Romania, Phase I” project was launched, which aims to build the high-voltage power line VulcăneÈ™ti-ChiÈ™inău.


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