EU Foreign Affairs Council in Luxembourg: support for Moldova is on the agenda

The support provided by the European Union to the Republic of Moldova will be discussed at the meeting of the foreign ministers of the EU member states – the Foreign Affairs Council in Luxembourg.

The main part of the agenda will be devoted to the war in Ukraine. Discussions will focus on military support, sanctions, food security issues, the “Ukrainian formula for peace”.

“During the discussions regarding the Republic of Moldova, the head of the Romanian diplomacy, Bogdan Aurescu, will touch upon the most important evolutions related to the support of the EU in the context of destabilizing actions in the Republic of Moldova in relation to the country and its constitutional order, as well as the decision to establish the EU Civil Partnership Mission in the Republic Moldova, strongly supported by Romania, a mission that will contribute to increasing the stability and security of this country, respectively, the continuation of the support in the defense sector provided by the EU to the Republic of Moldova by the European Peace Fund”, the Romanian Foreign Ministry said.

Earlier, it was reported that Romania has already invested almost half a billion euros in the Republic of Moldova. 450 million euros were allocated by Transgaz for the construction of the gas pipeline Onesti – Gareesti – Letcani – Ungheni – Chisinau, which is in working condition, and through which the Republic of Moldova can receive natural gas in the amount of 1.5-2.2 billion cubic meters per year.

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