EU to offer expertise to Moldova to combat Russia’s hybrid attacks

The European Union (EU) has created a civil mission to offer advice and expertise to government representatives in Moldova to counter Russia’s hybrid attacks. According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Nicu Popescu, the EU’s civil mission aims to strengthen the state’s institutions to ensure peace and stability in Moldova, but it is not related to the Transnistrian settlement process.

The EU experts will assist the authorities in Chisinau in managing crises provoked by Russia’s hybrid attacks against Moldova. Popescu stated that European advisors will work primarily with representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to enhance the capacity for maintaining public order.

“This is a mission that will help us improve the governance and functionality of our institutions. As a civil mission, it will primarily help us with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This civil mission will not be part of the Transnistrian settlement process. It is a mission that will work with the Moldovan government to improve the functioning of our institutions, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs in combating hybrid threats, and it does not concern the Transnistrian settlement. EU member states will determine the exact budget, personnel, and timetable. We should not expect hundreds or thousands of people to come to Moldova; there will be a limited number of experts who will come to help us fortify the capacity of our institutions to maintain calm,” said Popescu during an interview on a public television station.


Popescu emphasized that Moldova’s firm intention to follow the European path is unsettling Moscow, which is noticeable in its rhetoric towards Moldova. According to the Moldovan official, there are forces within the country serving Russia’s interests and seeking to destabilize the situation.

“Moldova is already facing fairly aggressive hybrid threats. We have encountered these threats since independence: support for separatism, disinformation, and propaganda. Moldova needs immediate solutions, support, and cooperation to limit the harmful effects of these hybrid threats. At this stage, we are focusing on our priorities of maintaining calm, peace, and stability. There are oligarch actors and representatives of the Russian Federation who cooperate with these oligarchs and seek to bring violence to our streets. We are taking measures to ensure stability in our country,” added the Foreign Minister.

Previously, the head of the EU Delegation to Moldova, Janis Mazeiks, announced that the EU and Moldova are developing an action plan for the EU’s government support mission, which could be launched in May.

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