EXCLUSIVE VIDEO! The first interview with one of the Turkish teachers, expelled in 2018

Moldovalive and realitatea press group realized an interview with Mr Hüseyin Bayraktar, one of the 7 Turkish teachers who were deported from Moldova and put to jail in Turkey by the Erdogan regime.

The former teacher at Orizont High School told in great detail how he was abducted from the school yard, how he was treated by the Moldovan authorities and under what conditions he arrived in Turkey.

We remind you that, on the 6th of September 2018, the whole world was shocked about the way in which 7 teachers from a Turkish school in Chisinau were abducted, taken to the airport and sent to Turkey, were they had to face the Erdogan regime. For these actions, Moldova was condemned by the European Court of Human Rights, being obliged to pay 25 000 eur to each family of the 7 teachers.

Watch the exclusive interview on Moldovalive.md, tomorrow, at 6 am!


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