Exploring Academic Opportunities in Moldova: A Guide to Faculties and Career Paths

Admission to universities in the Republic of Moldova for this year has already begun. Most of you, future students, have already chosen the field in which you want to pursue your studies, and some of you may have even completed the application process. However, we bring additional information about the universities and specialties you can pursue in Moldova.


Currently, the educational offer at the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (USMF) includes a four-year undergraduate program in the following specializations: Optometry, General Medical Assistance, Public Health, Radiological Technology, and Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.

There are also three integrated study programs available: Medicine, which lasts for six years, and Dentistry and Pharmacy, which both last for five years. Additionally, there are postgraduate programs, including master’s and doctoral degrees. The master’s programs available are: Public Health Management, Molecular Technologies in Health, Human Nutrition, Clinical Optometry, and Public Mental Health.

Finance and Banking

The studies in Finance and Banking last for three years, which equals six semesters. Each semester typically includes around seven or eight disciplines. In the first year, students focus more on fundamental subjects that form the basis in the field, allowing them to understand various economic processes, such as micro and macroeconomics, statistics, and the economy of economic units.

In addition to mandatory courses, there are also optional disciplines where students can choose what to study based on their preferences from a certain number of options, except for the first semester of the first year. As for the practical training, students have the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in the second semester of the second year. Furthermore, in the third year, they are required to complete an internship that lasts for seven weeks as part of their undergraduate program.

Information Technology

At the Faculty of Computers, Informatics, and Microelectronics within the Technical University of Moldova, there are 12 study programs that cater to the interests of any high school graduate. These 12 study programs are divided into three main directions.

The first direction includes Nanotechnologies and Microelectronics, Applied Electronics, and Biomedical Engineering. The second direction focuses on Computer Systems and Control and comprises three separate programs: Computers and Networks, Robotics and Mechatronics, and Automation and Informatics.

Another highly sought-after direction of study is “Information Systems,” which includes six study programs: Information Technology, Information Security, and Software Engineering.

Urban Studies

At the Faculty of Urban Studies, students have access to a wide range of disciplines. In the first year, students learn general subjects such as physics, mathematics, and mechanics. There are only two or three specialized subjects in order to introduce students to the activities of the profession. In the second year, students start studying more specialized subjects, and by the third year, 100% of the educational program is dedicated to specialized subjects.

This approach allows students to build a solid foundation in the field during their first year and gradually delve into more specific and advanced topics as they progress through the program. By the end of the third year, students are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in their chosen area within urban studies.


At the Technical University of Moldova (UTM), students studying oenology will learn about the various types of wine, the applied technologies used in the production of different types of wine, and how to interpret and adjust winemaking procedures based on real processes. They will also gain an understanding of the current trends in the field.

Military Academy

At the “Alexandru cel Bun” Military Academy of the Armed Forces, high school graduates have the option to pursue a three-year undergraduate program at either the Faculty of Military Sciences or the Faculty of Public Administration. Within the Faculty of Military Sciences, students can choose from the following specializations: Infantry, Artillery, and Communications and Informatics.

Some of the subjects studied include military communications art, military tactics, firearms instruction, marksmanship training, communication systems, and informatics. However, there are also disciplines from the civilian domain that are part of the curriculum.


At the University of Pedagogy “Stefan cel Mare” (UPSC), students have the opportunity to attend classes with both the institution’s professors and guest lecturers from other countries. Recently, students have had the chance to participate in classes organized by professors from Turkey, Germany, and Romania. The university also offers classes not only in traditional lecture halls but also in digital and interactive hubs within the “Class of the Future” initiative. Additionally, laboratory classes take place within educational institutions throughout the country.

Game design

The field of game design has grown significantly over the years, and it has evolved into a specialized discipline with dedicated professionals responsible for various aspects of game development. A game designer’s role is crucial in shaping the overall experience of a video game, including gameplay mechanics, level design, storytelling, user interface, and much more.



Starting from the first semester, students in psychology are introduced to theoretical and foundational disciplines. They learn the basic concepts, tools, and working methods of psychologists, the role and status of psychologists in society, as well as the history of psychology as a science.

As the program progresses, the disciplines become more interesting yet more complex. The study of applied psychology begins, where students become familiar with communication techniques within communicative psychology, various social phenomena and laws, and ways of interaction within groups. They also delve into clinical psychology, organizational psychology (which involves employee recruitment and motivation), psychosomatics, work psychology, and educational psychology.

Film and TV Production

The Academy of Music, Theatre, and Fine Arts is the only university in the Republic of Moldova that trains specialists in the field of arts.

Classes begin at 10:00 AM and follow a less conventional approach, as theoretical information is combined with hands-on practice and storytelling from the professors’ work experiences. The professors are industry professionals who are actively involved in producing films and advertisements. Typically, university lectures conclude around 2:00 PM.

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