
Export of goods from Moldova to CIS countries decreased by 14% in 2023

Moldova’s exports in 2023 amounted to 4,048.6 million US dollars, decreasing by 6.5% compared to the figures from 2022, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) informs.

At the same time, exports of domestic goods fell by 3.2% last year compared to 2022, to 2,870.1 million dollars. Moldova re-exported foreign goods worth 1,178.5 million dollars in 2023, or 13.7% less compared to 2022.

In 2023, Moldova exported goods worth 896.9 million dollars to the CIS countries, decreasing by 14% compared to 2022. Moldovan exports of goods to EU countries in 2023 increased to 2646.8 million dollars, up by 4.3% compared to 2022.


The top ten countries of Moldovan exports in 2023 were Romania (35.1% of total exports), Ukraine (14.7%), Italy (6.4%), Germany (5.5%), Czech Republic (4.0%.) %), the Russian Federation (3.6%), Turkey (3.5%), Poland (3.3%), Bulgaria and Belarus (2.1% each).

In 2023, an increase in exports of goods from Moldova to Romania (+14.5%), Czech Republic (+54.6%), Kazakhstan (+44.0%), Egypt (2.6 times), Spain (+28.6%), Poland (+9.2%), USA (+19.7%), Lebanon (+54.8%), Cyprus (+47.9%) was noted, Indonesia (27.5 times), Malaysia (20.4 times), Greece (+21.2%), Croatia (2.6 times), Kyrgyzstan (2 times), Latvia (+58.8%), Lithuania (+20.7%), UAE (+48.5%), Armenia (1.9 times), Saudi Arabia (+38.5%), Belarus (+3.6%).

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