Famous personalities of Gagauzia: Dmitrii Caracioban

Dmitrii Caracioban. In the heart of the picturesque village Besalma, on 27 May 1933 Dmitrii Caracioban was born – a person who lived a life full of remarkable achievements, a poet, writer, author of the first Gagauz movies. For three years Dmitri studied in a Romanian school, after which he graduated three grades in the Soviet period.

Dmitri was passionate about painting and writing. In 1959, he publicated his works in the book Bucaktan seslar (the Voice of Bugeac). Also, in that year Caracioban became a teacher of Gagauz language in the school of Besalma. Dmitrii Caracioban spent his first salary to buy a video camera. He thus started his career in cinematography. He produced the movies “Gagauz fairytales” and “­Besalma yesterday and today”, leaving us with a heritage of more than 40 films. In 1967, the film “Besalma yesterday and today”, by Dmitrii Caracioban, got the second prize at a contest organized by the House of Film in Chisinau. Dmitrii Caracioban often went to the libraries in Russia to bring home documents and books about the Gagauz people. In this way the first museum of the Gagauz in the world was established – Museum of History and Ethnography in Besalma.

He left an immense heritage behind: more than 50 paintings, more than 60 sculptures, over 40 fiction and documentary movies. He launched 12 volumes of poetry, short stories and drama.


This material was developed in the framework of the project “Supporting institutionalized and sustainable dialogue on Gagauzia Autonomy”, implemented by CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation and financed by Sweden. The opinions expressed in this material pertain to the authors and do not necessarily represent the position of CMI or of Sweden.

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