For the first time – a Moldovan won a world poker tournament: what did he spend a million dollars on?

Moldovan Pavel Pleshuv won the world poker tournament World Series of Poker, which is held annually in the American city of Paradise. Thanks to this victory, our compatriot earned $1,201,564.

The young man beat out 10,429 other entrants in five days and took the majority of the competition’s prize pool, which was $13,905,360.

“Very pleased to win my first bracelet in this area and for such a large amount. It’s amazing,” Pavel Pleshuv told PokerNews.

The young man gave parting words to other players: “Keep learning and believing in your dreams. Follow your dreams, and don’t let the results influence your life too much. There are good things around, even when you have experienced defeat.”

In an interview with PokerNews, the winner said that he would invest the money he won in buying a house, paying taxes, supporting Ukraine and people in need, and spending time with friends and family.

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