For the first time in Moldova, the military will be trained and receive a NATO OCC evaluator certificate

In the Republic of Moldova, for the first time, an international mobile team of specialists is training Level I assessors and database administrators on the Operational Capability Concept (OCC).

According to the Acting Head of the Joint Directorate for Training and Doctrine of the Military Training Base of the National Army, Colonel Sorin Bacalu, from June 26 to June 30, 25 Moldovan soldiers, as well as five international militaries, will receive NATO OCC Level I Evaluator Certificates. They will have the right to evaluate national and international units for combat readiness and interoperability with the armed forces of partner countries.

At the same time, the colonel mentioned that after this training, five more Moldovan officers took certificates as administrators of the OCC database.

NOTE. The Operational Capability Concepts (OCC) is a collaborative tool within the Partnership for Peace program that aims to introduce Western standards in the training and evaluation of military units.

OCC certification is a prerequisite for the participation of the National Army in peacekeeping missions under the auspices of the UN, including KFOR in Kosovo and UNIFIL in Lebanon.

The National Army joined the OCC in 2007.

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