Half of the high school graduates of 2024 have chosen to study in Moldova

Just over half of the high school graduates in 2024, notably 51.64% of those who took the baccalaureate exam, chose to continue their studies at universities in the Republic of Moldova. Most opted for bachelor’s programs in business, administration, and law fields. In contrast, only 2% of students chose to study mathematics, statistics, or natural sciences.

“For next year’s admission, the ministry aims to increase the percentage of high school graduates who choose to pursue bachelor’s degrees in the Republic of Moldova to up to 60%. There is a huge untapped potential, and we need to focus our efforts next year to convince young people to attend universities in the country,” said Minister Dan Perciun.


In 2024, 16,345 young people enrolled in higher education programs, which is a 6.7% increase compared to last year. Enrollment also increased in master’s degree programs, with 5,713 individuals enrolled, a 10% increase compared to 2023.

Education sciences continue to be among the most sought-after fields of study, ranking fourth in terms of average admission scores. The top three positions remain health-related specialties, with an average score of 8.51, followed by mathematics and statistics (7.98) and chemical sciences (7.97).

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