Head of the Interior Ministry: Killer who murdered a foreign citizen in Chisinau is still in Moldova

The murderer who shot a foreign citizen on a terrace in the Riscani district of the capital is still in Moldova, Interior Minister Adrian Efros told on Thursday, July 11, during the program “Cutia Neagra” (Black Box) on TV8. According to him, the authorities are taking the necessary measures to identify and detain him.

He added that there is probably also operational cooperation with the self-proclaimed forces on the left bank of the Dniester. At the same time, according to him, mobile police units are operating and carrying out checks on the routes leading to the separatist region.

“This heinous crime has attracted quite a lot of public interest, but at the same time, I would like to mention that law enforcement forces are making every effort to identify the person.


According to our operational data, he is still in the Republic of Moldova. Colleagues from the General Inspectorate of the Border Police have alerted us and sent notices. We have reinforced green sector patrols and are doing our utmost to detain the person,” Efros said.

The minister also revealed that the police have several suspects and are interviewing those detained. Efros reiterated that the basic version of the investigation concerns scores settling between criminal groups abroad.

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