If Russia destroys the Novodnestrovsk dam, what awaits Moldova? Ukrainian minister: There will be huge floods


The destruction of the Novodnestrovsk dam by the Russians, located just 10 km from the Naslavcea dam in the Republic of Moldova, poses a severe threat to Moldovans. If such an event were to occur, it could result in the loss of drinking water for Moldovan citizens and potentially lead to the destruction of dozens of houses due to massive flooding. To avert this potential catastrophe, Moldova must advocate for international support to secure the skies over Ukraine and provide Patriot systems. These sentiments were expressed by Ukraine’s Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Ruslan Strelets, in an interview for Deschide.MD.

“If the Russian Federation destroys one of the dams on the Dniester River, within the next two to three days, we will witness devastating floods and extensive material damage, with numerous homes swept away. More critically, this would result in a severe shortage of drinking water for the population, akin to the current situation in the Herson region. Unfortunately, we have already endured such hardships and have had to adapt our infrastructure to ensure water supply through measures like well-digging. It is an immensely complex issue, one that demands urgent attention. Therefore, I strongly advocate that Moldova mobilizes international support to close airspace over Ukraine and provide Patriot systems. We must safeguard these critical infrastructure assets with robust air defense systems,” Minister Strelets emphasized.

Ruslan Strelets was on a working visit to Chisinau at the invitation of Environment Minister Sergiu Lazarencu. One of the topics discussed during the meeting was the efficient management of the Nistru River.


Earlier, the dried-up Dniester River video footage appeared in the public domain. The Environment Ministry in Chisinau came up with some clarifications in this regard. According to the institution, the video shows the Nistru River, filmed in Hotin, Ukraine, and the Republic of Moldova is not and will not be affected by these hydrological phenomena.