Ion Belocosov, a young engineer from Ialoveni, realized his dream of having his own business

Ion Belocosov, a young engineer from Costeshti, Ialoveni, has managed to realize his dream of having his own business, building a photovoltaic station on an area of one and a half hectares, with the support of the Government Program “373.” This initiative can significantly benefit the Costeshti community by reducing electricity costs.

During the event organized on the National Day of the Entrepreneur, Ion said he wants to be an example for all young engineers in the country, demonstrating that everybody can make changes in society with perseverance and courage.

“If it wasn’t for the support of the Government through the ODA program, I don’t think I would be here today. One bank approached my business differently, seriously, and they saw the potential and the energy I exuded. I hope I will have the desired results in 5 years,” said Ion Belocosov.


The “373” Program, launched in the summer of 2023, has already supported 320 companies, giving them access to 388 loans with a total value of more than 1 billion lei. The investments generated significantly impacted the economy, totaling 1.5 billion lei.

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