It will harm Moldova: The Russian ambassador about the “narrowing” of the dialogue between Moscow and Chisinau

The dialogue between the Kremlin and Chisinau is “narrowing” and hurting Moldova. This was stated by the Russian Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, Oleg Vasnetsov, during an address dedicated to the 31st anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Moldova and the Russian Federation.

The diplomat states that Russia remains committed to interstate cooperation on the principles of international law, mutual respect and mutual consideration of interests.

“We draw attention to the negative growing role of the trends for the Russian-Moldovan cooperation in the conditions of the confrontational target chosen by the West on the “strategic defeat of Russia”. So, we are forced to report a narrowing of the dialogue space with Moscow. This causes obvious damage to Chisinau. Joining the anti-Russian sanctions, as well as the topic of breaking ties with the CIS, does not correspond to the interests of the Moldovan partners. The destructiveness of such a position is obvious”, Vasnetsov said.

The head of the diplomatic mission also added that the Russian authorities have a sincere desire to conduct a dialogue with Chisinau without external pressure.The head of the diplomatic mission also added that the Russian authorities have a sincere desire to conduct a dialogue with Chisinau without external pressure. According to him, it can open new horizons of cooperation.

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