Justice minister of Latvia reaffirms commitment to support Moldova’s European integration path

Latvia reaffirms its commitment to supporting Moldova’s path toward European integration and emphasizes the need to protect democracy. Latvian Justice Minister Inese Libina-Egnere made these remarks during a joint press conference with Moldova’s Justice Minister Veronica Mihailov-Moraru.

Mihailov-Moraru thanked her Latvian counterpart for Latvia’s assistance and expertise in helping Moldova align its legislation with European standards. She highlighted that justice reform, the fight against corruption, and ensuring national security remain Moldova’s top priorities.

“Latvia is a reliable partner in Moldova’s EU accession journey. One of our key commitments in starting accession negotiations is transposing EU legislation into national law. The Justice Ministry plays a central role in this process, and the support of our development partners is crucial. We are thankful for Latvia’s openness in providing expertise, especially in legislative adjustments related to European integration,” the Moldovan minister stated.


Latvian Justice Minister Libina-Egnere stressed the importance of protecting democracy and strengthening the rule of law.

“Each country’s authorities must defend democracy, and Moldova is setting an exemplary path. Continue with the same determination. Both Latvia and all of Europe face challenges from Russia, making a strong, democratic legal system essential to counter these threats,” she said.

The Latvian delegation’s agenda includes meetings with significant Moldovan officials, including EU Ambassador Janis Mazeiks, President of the Constitutional Court Domnica Manole, and the Superior Council of Magistracy representatives. Minister Libina-Egnere will also meet with Veronica Rosca, Chair of the Parliament’s Commission for Appointments and Immunities.

Both ministers will attend the “Reformation of Justice and Combating Corruption” forum, scheduled to take place in Chisinau on September 10-11.

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