
Landmark Moment for Moldova: Authorities to Procure Natural Gas from the USA

For the first time, authorities in Chișinău will procure natural gas from the United States. This will happen next week through the liquefied natural gas terminal near Alexandroupolis, Greece.

The statement belongs to the Minister of Energy, Victor Parlicov, and was made during the “Secretele Puterii” (Secrets of Power) program on JurnalTV, writes deschide.md.

“Next week, we are programmatically going to purchase gas directly from the terminal of ships that transport compressed gas from the USA. And I can preliminarily say that we will take it at a price lower than the TTF level. It will be purchased through Greece, the Alexandroupolis terminal. The next cargo ship arrives next week, and we will be among the buyers who will purchase gas from it,” said Victor Parlicov.

Additionally, the official mentioned that since the beginning of this year, Moldova had quantities in storage of less than 400 million cubic meters. According to the minister, these quantities are calculated to be sufficient for January, February, and March, and additional quantities are being purchased for supplementation.

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