Maia Sandu Addresses Diaspora in Portugal: Advancing Justice Reform on the Road to EU Membership

During her visit to Lisbon, the President of Moldova, Maia Sandu, engaged in a constructive dialogue with representatives of the Moldovan community in the Republic of Portugal.

“We met businesspeople affected by corruption at home, as well as those eager to invest and support the development of our economy. We saw young people who have been educated in Portugal and are interested in returning home, engineers who want to contribute to the modernization of our country, and families who desire more frequent and safer flights to be closer to their loved ones back home. We discussed with citizens who aspire to a Moldova with equal opportunities, a fair justice system, and European living standards,” said Maia Sandu.

The head of state mentioned that the stories she heard from discussions with members of the diaspora reflect everyone’s desire to build a strong, united, and prosperous Moldova—a European Moldova.

“I assured them that we work for this every day: we are reforming the justice system, supporting entrepreneurs, and advancing on the path to European Union accession. I was also delighted by the passion of those who, despite being far from home, do not forget our culture and make efforts to bring our music closer to the Moldovan diaspora in Portugal.”

In recognition of their valuable contributions to the strengthening of the Moldovan community in Portugal, President Maia Sandu awarded honorary diplomas to Oleg Boghenco, Rodica Gherasim, and Nadejdei Calestru Ribeiro Oliveira.


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