Maia Sandu attended the National Institute for Education and Leadership launch: we want education to make every child in Moldova a responsible adult

President Maia Sandu participated in the inauguration of the National Institute for Education and Leadership (INEL). During the event, she emphasized the critical role that every citizen, particularly those in the field of education, plays in shaping the future society, as reported by the presidential press service.

The president underscored that the primary objective of INEL is to elevate the standard of teaching in schools, providing support to educators across Moldova and emphasizing the promotion of values and character development.

“A thriving and free nation is built upon strong characters and upheld values. The recent tragedy in our neighboring country starkly illustrates that a peaceful and free society is paramount. This is the society we aspire to build,” remarked the Moldovan president.


Furthermore, Maia Sandu highlighted that the choice between peace and conflict, democracy and tyranny, transcends mere political discourse, impacting the lives of all citizens. “Instilling values through education isn’t merely a partisan agenda; it’s inherent to the core mission of our schools. It’s the responsibility of every teacher to guide students in understanding this nuanced reality and making informed choices about their future,” she emphasized.

The president emphasized her reliance on the collective effort of every citizen in shaping a society prepared for Moldova’s European future. “The European Union represents, above all, a vision of peace—a union of nations where every individual can freely realize their potential. Our society’s success lies within our grasp. While it may be a formidable task, there is no mission more vital in today’s Moldova than education,” Maia Sandu concluded.

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