Maia Sandu called on the electorate of pro-European candidates to support her in the second round.

Maia Sandu, who is running for a second presidential term in Moldova, has asked the electorate of other candidates who support European integration to support her in the second round of the presidential election.

“We have won the first battle in our struggle. Moldova fairly won an unjust war, defending its aspirations to join the EU. Moldovan citizens are united. I ask those who voted for pro-European candidates to support their position,” Sandu said.

She appealed to the electorate of Ion Chicu, Octavian Ticu, Andrei Nastase, and Tudor Ulianovschi to support her in the second round. Sandu made the same appeal to Renato Usatii’s supporters.


Renato Usatii, leader of the political force “Our Party” (13.77% of votes), is in third place (13.77%), ex-head of Gagauzia Irina Vlah is in fourth place (5.42%), ex-prosecutor Victoria Furtuna is in fifth place (4.48%), former prime ministers Vasile Tarlev and Ion Chicu are in sixth and seventh place (3.2% and 2.07% respectively). Less than one percent are former Youth and Sports Minister Octavian Ticu (0.92%), former Interior Minister Andrei Nastase (0.64%), journalist Natalia Morari (0.61%) and former Foreign Minister Tudor Ulianovschi (0.52%).

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