Maia Sandu calls for National Assembly to show Moldova’s commitment to European integration

In a press briefing held on Monday evening, April 10th, Maia Sandu announced the convocation of the “Moldova Europeană” National Assembly. The President urged Moldovans to gather on April 21st, 2023 in the Great National Assembly Square (PMAN) because “now is the time to unite and become part of the European family,” she emphasized.

“Moldova is at a crossroads. What will happen to the country depends on what we will clearly say to the world – let’s say without hesitation that we will succeed. We are paying a price because of the war unleashed by the Russian Federation. Russia continues an inhumane war and tries to weaken the unity of Europe. People’s lives have become more complicated, expensive, and restless since February 24th, 2022,” said Maia Sandu.

In her speech, the head of state reminded that we still have people in our country who threaten us with war.

“During this time, with the government and parliamentary majority, we have acted to ensure peace and stability in the Republic of Moldova. Time has shown that we have chosen the right path. Those who tried to destabilize the country – did not succeed. Dirty money corrupts justice, dirty money finances so-called protests. A handful of people want to steal our future. Many have the impression that the citizens of the Republic of Moldova are indifferent and do not take a stand. Some wonder if our people truly desire European integration.”


In this context, Maia Sandu proposed that Moldovans show who is the boss in the Republic of Moldova.

“Big decisions are made in the Great National Assembly Square. It is time for Moldovans to show that they are a determined people, in charge in their own home. It is time for those who are watching us to see that in decisive moments, we are united and courageous. I have launched the initiative to convene a gathering of citizens in Chișinău, to tell the world that we are Europeans.”

The head of state also added that she will discuss with all pro-European parties so that they can come together and answer several questions. “I am waiting for you at the National Assembly – European Moldova, on May 21st,” she concluded.

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