Maia Sandu expressed her gratitude to Spain for supporting Moldova’s European integration

The head of state has a meeting with Juan Antonio Martin Burgos, charge d’affaires of the diplomatic mission of the Kingdom of Spain in the Republic of Moldova, in connection with the end of his term of office. The interlocutors exchanged views on issues related to the bilateral agenda.

Maia Sandu thanked her interlocutor for the political support of Spain, a principal partner of the Republic of Moldova, to the reform program of the government and our European path. The head of state noted that in 2022-2023, bilateral cooperation had become closer in such main areas as healthcare and social protection, education, internal affairs, and defense. The President stressed that we continue to count on the development of good relations between Chisinau and Madrid.

The parties also discussed issues on the European agenda of the Republic of Moldova in the context of the fact that Spain will preside over the European Council in July, as well as the holding of the next summit of the European Political Community in October. The head of state thanked for the support of Spain, which Moldova receives in our European aspirations, and noted that we continue to rely on this support in accelerating the next stages of accession to the European Union.

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