Maia Sandu “firmly condemns” the recent Russian attacks on Ukrainian cities

The head of state, Maia Sandu, “firmly condemns” the attacks of this morning, October 10, by the Russian army, on several cities in Ukraine, where civilians suffered.

Maia Sandu states that “the bombing of homes, the transport network, energy infrastructure and other civilian targets, which is taking place, including ‘at this time’, must be stopped immediately.

“We strongly condemn the ongoing massive Russian missile attacks on Ukrainian cities, including Kyiv. The brutality, terror and killing of innocent civilians must stop immediately. Attacks against civilians are war crimes and serious violations of humanitarian law. The Republic of Moldova is with the people of Ukraine, we will offer all the support to those who will seek shelter in our country”, says Maia Sandu’s message.


We specify that, in the morning of today, the Russians launched at least ten rockets on the city of Kyiv, the central area. The Russian army also attacked the cities of Dnepr, Lviv, Zhitomer, Kharkiv and Khmelnytsk. As a result of these attacks, dozens of civilians were killed and buildings and infrastructure were destroyed.

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