Maia Sandu: There may be an opportunity to resolve the Transnistrian conflict within six months, a year, or two

Moldova may have the opportunity to resolve the Transnistrian conflict within six months, a year, or two stated Maia Sandu on the podcast “Multumesc pentru Intrebare” hosted by Nata Albot. Maia Sandu believes that the Russian Federation artificially created the issue to prevent Moldova from “moving forward.”

The President highlighted that people in the Transnistrian region increasingly obtain Moldovan documents, and the number of exports from the country to the EU market is rising. Therefore, Sandu believes that the local population understands the benefits of reintegration and closer ties with the European Union.

“We wish to integrate into the European Union fully unified, with the Transnistrian conflict resolved. If we cannot achieve this, we are prepared to proceed in two steps. European Union officials claim that this frozen conflict does not pose a problem for Moldova’s European integration. It is a lie used by Moldova’s opponents to manipulate the situation. (…)

You have seen how many people from that region have recently obtained Moldovan passports. It means they trust that they are safe in the Republic of Moldova. We also observe the structure of exports. While ten years ago, all exports from the Transnistrian region were directed to the East, more than 75% now go to the European Union rather than to the right bank,” said Sandu.


Referring to the Russian troops in Transnistria, the President noted that they posed a problem. However, Chisinau prefers the peaceful path of reintegration.

“Of course, we may have this geopolitical opportunity in six months, a year, or two. We only accept a peaceful resolution to this situation; we will do everything we can and prepare for any potential opportunity,” Sandu concluded.

At the same time, discussing the issues in Gagauzia, the President pointed out that politicians are using the people in the region for their agendas. She believes, however, that the people recognize and understand this exploitation.

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