Maia Sandu’s longest journey! The president reveals the route

Maia Sandu’s last trip was also the longest, the president revealed in the program “Moldova poate”. She flew to Japan, to the USA, then to Switzerland.

The President reported that it was not easy for her in her travels. At the same time, she stated that the meetings she had brought us reconfirmation of the fact that we have support at the international level.

“The longest trip was a few days ago and it went literally around the world. I visited Tokyo, Washington, and Switzerland. It was hard, but it was worth the effort. Moldova needs all these friends. I obtained the reconfirmation of this support and I will continue to strengthen relations with all countries, especially the countries with which we have strategic partnerships”, said the Head of State.

During the show, Sandu spoke about the EU integration of the Republic of Moldova, pointing out that we have the status of a candidate country because of the war in Ukraine, but also because “Moldovans have demonstrated that they are European”.


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