Minister Andrei Spinu Declares PAS Victory in Nationwide Local Elections

In the wake of Sunday’s local elections in Moldova, Andrei Spînu, the Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, has proclaimed that the Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS) has emerged victorious across the country. In a Facebook post, he emphasized, “Probably the most important conclusion of these elections is that the pro-European message has won convincingly throughout the country. We are moving forward towards a European Moldova!”

Spînu shared several initial observations about the Party of Action and Solidarity:

  1. PAS has secured victory in the country, ranking first in 19 districts.
  2. The party achieved a significant result in the Chișinău Municipal Council elections, with 20 strong councilors who will advocate for a European city.
  3. Over 240 mayors were elected in the first round across the country, marking the highest number of mayoral wins after the first round.

He concluded his Facebook post with, “Team PAS, Team Europe!”

On election day, Moldovan citizens turned out to vote to choose their mayors and local councilors. and RLIVE TV provided live coverage of all significant events during the electoral process.

A total of over 3,900 candidates registered for the 898 mayor positions, and more than 56,000 individuals registered for the 11,058 local councilor mandates. However, many of them were removed from the ballots after the Exceptional Situations Commission excluded the “Șansă Party” from the race.

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