Minister Popescu requested a European Civil Security Advisory Mission in Brussels

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nicu Popescu, discussed in Brussels the possibility of conducting a civilian security advisory mission in the Republic of Moldova. It would be activated under the auspices of the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy.

According to Popescu, the Republic of Moldova has a traditional interest in deepening security cooperation with the EU, the main objective being the strengthening of security, stability, and resilience in the face of external challenges.

“In order to place this cooperation on a systemic platform, the discussion with the European Union was initiated regarding the possibility of conducting a civilian advisory mission in the Republic of Moldova under the auspices of the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy. The objectives of a possible civilian mission could be focused on providing European expertise in the sphere of improving crisis management mechanisms, countering hybrid threats, strengthening cyber security, countering disinformation, and other related fields. In a practical way, the European experts who are part of such advisory missions assist the authorities of the beneficiary countries in the development of relevant legislation and policies, the creation of coordination mechanisms, and help in the development and implementation of assistance projects”, notes the minister.

During the dialogue, the authorities of the Republic of Moldova presented the existing needs and priorities. Discussions about the parameters and mandate of a possible mission continue.


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