USAID, through the Institutional and Structural Reforms Project in Moldova (MISRA), supports the adoption of digital solutions by institutions in the Republic of Moldova to increase their efficiency and transparency.
Thus, from January 2023, the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova will implement the e-Customs Declaration for all customs regimes, which became possible thanks to the support provided by USAID through the MISRA Program.

In the event “e-Customs Declaration – a major step towards the digitization of customs procedures” the actions undertaken and those planned in order to advance on the path of digitization of all customs regimes by the customs authority were presented. Specialists from the Customs Service presented opportunities for the digitization of customs regimes, and the representatives of the business environment spoke about the benefits offered by those reforms.

Thanks to the additional data storage space offered by USAID through the MISRA Project, it will be possible to archive in an electronic format not only customs declarations but also copies of accompanying documents according to the procedure established by the Customs Service. In this context, the management of the Customs Service announced that the institution reviewed the list of documents to be attached to the customs declaration and intervened with details in a presentation on this subject.
These staged digital reforms will contribute to improving the quality of services provided to citizens and economic agents, reducing the costs and times of completing customs documents for both customs officials and declarants, reducing the risk of fraud and corruption through online monitoring of customs operations, but also by excluding contact between brokers and customs officials, but also directly they will ensure greater transparency and predictability of control procedures.