Moldova is appointing six new ambassadors! The diplomats’ names and the countries where they will represent us

The Foreign Policy and European Integration Committee of Parliament gave positive advisory opinions for the appointment of six Moldovan ambassadors. These diplomats will represent Moldova in Estonia, the Czech Republic, the United Arab Emirates, Italy, Latvia, and Austria.

“Most of them are career diplomats with 18 to 29 years of experience in diplomatic service. Their skills, training, and experience are invaluable for optimally representing Moldova’s interests abroad,” said Foreign Minister Mihai Popsoi.

Eugen Caras will become Moldova’s ambassador to Estonia. He has spent over 29 years in the diplomatic service, working in Moldova’s missions in Ankara, Brussels, Kyiv, and Washington. From 2012 to 2019, he served as Moldova’s ambassador to the European Union, and from 2020 to 2022, he led Moldova’s diplomatic mission in the U.S. Currently, he serves as the head of the Directorate for EU Cooperation.

Gabriela Moraru will become Moldova’s ambassador to the Czech Republic. She has worked in diplomacy for 27 years, leading the State Diplomatic Protocol and the Foreign Minister’s office. She has served as an ambassador in Israel and worked in diplomatic missions in Hungary, Poland, and Estonia. Currently, Moraru heads the Directorate for Bilateral Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Anatolie Vangheli will represent Moldova in the United Arab Emirates. With 27 years of experience, he has led Moldova’s missions in Greece, Cyprus, and Israel. He has also served as the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and worked with the OSCE in Kosovo and Georgia.

Oleg Nica will be assigned to Italy. He has 20 years of experience at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and holds a law degree. He has worked at Moldova’s diplomatic missions in Italy and Portugal and currently serves at our consulate in Milan.


Mihaela Mocanu will take on the role of head of Moldova’s embassy in Latvia. Over 18 years in diplomatic service, she has worked at Moldova’s diplomatic missions in Berlin and Bucharest. Currently, Mocanu serves as the ambassador to Austria, concurrently representing Slovakia, and is Moldova’s permanent representative to the OSCE and the UN Office in Vienna.

Victoria Rosa will take on the role of Moldova’s ambassador to Austria. She specializes in international relations, European affairs, security, and defense. She has served as an advisor on security in the office of the Prime Minister of Moldova.

The six ambassadors will start their duties once the Government appoints them and Maia Sandu signs the decrees for their overseas assignments.

Also, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans to open additional Moldovan consulates in the United States, Germany, and Canada. The goal is set for the period between 2025 and 2027.

Additionally, the authorities in Chisinau aim to open new embassies. Therefore, we could see diplomatic missions established in Egypt and Kazakhstan. Currently, the Moldovan embassy in Moscow handles accreditation for Kazakhstan. The Chisinau diplomats are already discussing with officials in Astana the opening of a diplomatic mission. Meanwhile, the Kazakhstani embassy operates in our capital.

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