Moldova Unveils Ambitious Climate Change Adaptation Program with a Focus on Resilience and Economic Benefits

The National Program for Climate Change Adaptation until the year 2030 and its Implementation Action Plan were published today in the Official Gazette, as reported by MOLDPRES.

The program sets objectives aimed at enhancing the climate resilience of six essential sectors: agriculture, health, transportation, energy, water, and the forestry sector. By adopting the program, our country aims to align itself with global efforts to limit the negative impact of climate change.

According to reports, the implementation of the actions outlined in the document is estimated to bring annual benefits of over 100 million dollars to the national economy, ensuring better protection against current and future harmful climate impacts.


The Republic of Moldova is one of the most vulnerable countries in Europe to climate change, particularly prone to floods and droughts. The floods in 2008 alone caused damages exceeding 120 million dollars, and the droughts between 2007 and 2012 resulted in major economic losses, affecting 80% of the country’s territory.

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