Moldovan Minister of Foreign Affairs expresses admiration for China’s impressive economic vitality and calls for further bilateral cooperation

China’s economic vitality in recent decades is impressive, said Nicu Popescu, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, in a recent interview with Xinhua. He also expressed his hope to further develop and deepen bilateral economic and trade cooperation and to receive more Chinese tourists in the country.

Popescu stated that China is an immense country with immense culture and a spectrum of immense historical and geographical experiences. He spoke about his fond memories of China, having visited several places and covered a good part of central and southeast China.

He emphasized China’s remarkable development in new technologies, telecommunications, and information technology, particularly high-speed rail, highways, and regional airports. Popescu said that Moldova and China have maintained “excellent relations” and had a very positive dialogue, including mutual support for the territorial integrity of their respective countries.

He added that China is one of Moldova’s most important economic partners, with wine being one of Moldova’s most important export products, and that it is essential for Moldova that China imports large quantities of Moldovan wine. Moldova is also known for its agricultural exports, including fruits, vegetables, and cereals, and Popescu suggested that the two countries could deepen cooperation in this area.


Popescu emphasized that Moldova is committed to improving transport infrastructure and actively promoting the development of new renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaic and wind energy, and hopes to strengthen cooperation with China in these areas. He mentioned that China has a significant presence in Moldova’s energy market, having built the country’s largest photovoltaic park in the Criuleni district.

Popescu said that Moldova is an excellent platform for investors, as it already has several free trade zones with the European Union (EU) and neighboring countries. Therefore, Moldovan products enter many European markets more easily. Several free economic zones have been established in the country, attracting many investors in the IT and automotive industries.

He believes that Moldova and China can develop many joint projects, produce certain things together, and export them together to regional markets. Popescu highlighted that Moldova hopes to deepen economic and trade relations with China and looks forward to welcoming more Chinese tourists.

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