
Moldovans can vote to promote their country and wines worldwide. Discover how you can do it

Wine Travel Awards, a specialist website promoting wines, traditional cuisine and tourist attractions, is running a competition featuring the country’s calling card – Castel Mimi.

In a social media post, the Castel Mimi team urges all Moldovans in the country and the diaspora to support them by voting and promoting the Republic of Moldova with its beautiful places, high-quality wines and traditional cuisine.

In the Wine Travel Awards competition, Castel Mimi presents itself not only as a producer of high-quality wines and host of the most beautiful tourist attractions in our country but also as a promoter of sustainable business by protecting the environment. One of the elements that makes it stand out is the photovoltaic park that currently provides 40% of the castle’s needs, and in the next five years, the team aims to make the location energy-independent. At the same time, the decorative lighting is made exclusively with LED bulbs, the impact of which is nine times less than that of standard bulbs.


Another aspect of sustainability is the promotion of train transport to events organized by Castel Mimi at the expense of personal cars, which produce more CO2 in the atmosphere. At the same time, wine is exported in lightweight bottles not to increase the load on transport vehicles, producing less CO2 per bottle of wine.

Wines, tourism, and sustainability go hand in hand with traditions and culture, promoted at the VinOpera International Classical Music Festival, an event included in Castel Mimi’s priorities for the Wine Travel Awards.

The competition will close on 31 March, after which a panel of 12 international experts will choose the winners in several categories.

You can also vote and promote the Republic of Moldova by clicking here!

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