Natalia Gavrilița explains why the price of electricity is increasing

Natalia Gavrilița explained why electricity prices will increase. She pointed out that most of the current is procured from the Romanian market.

The head of the Cabinet of Ministers also specified that the Government that Moldovans will also benefit from electricity compensation, if the tariff increases. The authorities say they will continue to analyze the situation and if possible to extend the help given to citizens.


“The decision will be taken by the National Energy Regulatory Agency. It is important to have public discussions, to make the calculations transparent. Since November, the situation on the electricity market has worsened. We do not have energy security. We have a few small quantity contracts, but most of the quantity is procured from the OPCOM market in Romania. It is a daily market where prices are much higher than the contracts that existed before. We talked previously that electricity prices could increase,” Gavrilița said.

The reason given by suppliers for asking to raise prices is that less electricity is being consumed. “The decrease in the volumes of electricity supplied in the months of October, November 2022 as well as the forecasted volume supplied in the month of December 2022” determines the increases, according to the documents.

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