Natalia Gavrilița: No Siberia will be able to freeze the love for our country!

Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița, together with the President of the Parliament, Igor Grosu and the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, participated, on Wednesday, July 6, in the event commemorating the 73rd anniversary of the second wave of Stalinist deportations, in 1949.

In her message, the Chief Executive mentioned that July 6 is an unimaginable tragedy for our people. According to her, in just a few hours, the Soviets loaded almost 36,000 people into wagons and took them to the swamps of Siberia and through the deserts of Kazakhstan. Many of these people did not manage to return to their homes, being tortured and shot on the way.

“Today, together with the victims and the descendants of the deportees, we commemorate those who endured torment and humiliation, defending their dignity, family and life. Nothing can heal wounds and compensate for the sacrifice made, but today we can keep their memory alive. History has taught us many lessons over time, but perhaps most importantly, no torture can destroy our honor. No stranger shall defile our nation. No Siberia will be able to freeze and diminish the love for our country “, said Natalia Gavrilița.

Known as the “YUG”, the operation of July 5-6, 1949 was carried out following the Decision of the Political Bureau of the CC of the CP of the USSR of April 6, 1949 “On the deportation from the territory of the Moldovan SSR , the accomplices of the German occupiers, the persons who collaborated with the German and Romanian police bodies, the members of the political parties, the white guards, the members of the illegal sects, as well as the families of all the categories listed above”.


The deportees in July 1949 were displaced in the Tyumen, Amur, Irkutsk, Kurgan, Cita, Chelyabinsk, Kemerovo, Karaganda, Altai and Khabarovsk regions, R.A.S.S. Bureato-Mongol, R.S.S. Kazakh etc.

The operation of July 5-6, 1949 represents the second and the largest wave of deportations, which was followed by another wave of deportations in 1951.

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