Moldova will receive a grant for health care in the context of the refugee crisis

The Republic of Moldova will benefit from a grant of 900 thousand euros from the Council of Europe Development Bank. At today’s meeting on 6 July, the Committee on Foreign Policy and European Integration approved the advisory opinion on the opening of negotiations and the approval of the signing of the draft Grant Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the Council of Europe Development Bank for financial assistance from the Migrants and Refugees Fund “Supporting the provision of health services in Moldova for people affected by the crisis in Ukraine”.

The project will retroactively finance the expenses incurred by the national health system. This way it will provide medical assistance to both refugees from Ukraine and the citizens of Moldova.


The Ministry of Health will use the non-reimbursable financial assistance, through the National Medical Insurance Company. This will strengthen the response capacities of the health system to the emergency situation caused by the refugee crisis.

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