National Farmers Federation of Moldova supports convening of European Moldova National Assembly on 21 May

According to a press release of the National Farmers Federation of Moldova (FNFM), farmers are the beneficiaries of the most valuable advantages, which come with our country’s accession to the EU and to various European organizations and associations.

“FNFM, on behalf of its members, expresses confidence in the opportunities for social and economic development of Moldova, which can be ensured through relations with civilized countries, which are part of the free world, where human rights, freedom are respected. The FNFM expresses gratitude for the support given to the agricultural sector by the EU, within the multiple programs and projects of technical and investment assistance”, said FNFM.

In a press briefing held on Monday evening, April 10th, Maia Sandu announced the convocation of the “Moldova Europeană” National Assembly. The President urged Moldovans to gather on April 21st, 2023 in the Great National Assembly Square (PMAN) because “now is the time to unite and become part of the European family,” she emphasized.

“Moldova is at a crossroads. What will happen to the country depends on what we will clearly say to the world – let’s say without hesitation that we will succeed. We are paying a price because of the war unleashed by the Russian Federation. Russia continues an inhumane war and tries to weaken the unity of Europe. People’s lives have become more complicated, expensive, and restless since February 24th, 2022,” said Maia Sandu.

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