NATO Sees No Imminent Military Threat to Moldova, But Warns of Russian Hybrid Warfare Tactics

NATO Deputy Secretary-General, Mircea Geoană, has stated in an interview with TVR INFO that Russia lacks sufficient resources to reach Odesa, Transnistria, and close the loop, and NATO does not see an imminent risk of a military attack on the Republic of Moldova. However, he notes that Russia is currently using its arsenal of hybrid warfare against Moldova.

Geoană emphasized that the attempt to overthrow a democratically elected regime is an active operation in Moldova. Political mobilization, communication, disinformation, and lies are being used on a large scale in Moldova. He warned that Russia’s use of hybrid warfare against Moldova is a serious concern for NATO.

Geoană’s comments come amid rising tensions between Russia and Ukraine, with Russia massing troops near the Ukrainian border. Moldova, which borders Ukraine, is also a concern for NATO, with Transnistria being a Russian-backed separatist region.


The NATO official’s statements highlight the importance of remaining vigilant against Russia’s use of hybrid warfare tactics, which include propaganda, cyber-attacks, and the spread of disinformation to destabilize countries. While a military attack on Moldova may not be imminent, the country remains vulnerable to these types of tactics.

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