
On the day of the Romanian Language we will have music and poetry in Chisinau

Thirty three years ago, the Great National Assembly, attended by about 750 thousand people demanded the declaration of the Romanian language as the state language and the transition to the Latin script. To commemorate this historic event, the Capital City Hall is organizing yearly a series of cultural-artistic events.

This year, according to the schedule, at 10:00 a.m., flowers will be laid in the “Mihai Eminescu” square, as well as on the Alley of the Classics in the “Ștefan cel Mare si Sfânt” Public Garden.

From 10:30, in the “Ștefan cel Mare si Sfânt” Public Garden, the official opening of the musical-literary program will take place, with the title “Ode to the Romanian Language. During the event, diplomas will be awarded to the winners of the traditional municipal competition “Dictation for everyone”, the 6th edition.

Also here, the citizens of Chisinau and the guests of the Capital will have a unique program with the participation of well-known personalities in the field of culture, representatives of the Writers’ Union and established artists: Teo Chiriac, Arcadie Suceveanu, Vladimir BeÈ™leaga, Ion Hadârcă, Cristi Aldea Teodorovici, Cristina Pintilie, Cristina Scarlat, Viorel Burlacu, Vali Boghian, etc.


The cultural event in the “Ștefan cel Mare si Sfânt” Public Garden will be crowned by the performance of the “Municipal Folk Music Orchestra of the Advahov Brothers” and the soloists: Zinaida Julea, Nicolae Glib, Doina Sulac and Fetele din BotoÈ™ani.

At the same time, starting at 19:00, on Pietonală Street “Eugen Doga”, the music and poetry show will take place, with the title “Suntem în cuvânt È™i-n toate…”, during which the Cristofor Aldea Teodorovici Orchestra, Natalia Barbu and Cătălin Josan will perform. The show aims to promote local poetry. The public will enjoy the texts signed by Ninela Caranfil, Nicolae Jelescu, Ioana Isac, Maria Pilchin and Andrei Sochircă.

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