One step closer to the EU: European Week will take place in Moldovan schools

General education institutions in the Republic of Moldova will hold European Week from 5-9 February. The action is organized based on a circular issued by the Ministry of Education and Research and is part of the “European Moldova” communication campaign.

During this period, various activities and events will be organized in schools to inform students about the process of Moldova’s integration into the European Union, thus contributing to a better understanding of the country’s European path.

Also, during European Week, two “How I see European Moldova” thematic competitions will be organized in Moldovan schools: an essay competition for students in grades I-XII and a drawing competition for students in grades I-IX.


Educational institutions will post information about their activities on their official websites and send the most successful entries to local education authorities. The Republican Centre for Children and Youth “ARTICO” will ensure the final selection of essays and drawings by 20 February 2024. The best finalist works will be placed online and presented at a thematic exhibition of drawings organized at the Presidency of the Republic of Moldova.

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