
Over 3000 people promoted philanthropy during the 7-day National Week of Kindness campaign

In November, for the fourth consecutive year, the Platform for the Promotion and Development of Philanthropy organized the “National Week of Kindness” campaign. From November 11-17, guided by the slogan “Kindness begins with you,” the Platform’s member NGOs appealed to local authorities, public institutions, NGOs, economic agents, and citizens to get actively involved in philanthropic and community actions.

For seven days, acts of kindness spread across Moldova as over 3,000 people of all ages promoted philanthropy and encouraged others to join this national campaign of goodwill.

Actions were carried out to improve the lives of people, the environment, animals, and the communities they live in. Elderly people were helped with household chores, hot lunches, or fruit baskets handed out by students. Some participants rolled up their sleeves and cleaned up litter-strewn public places. Others paid for trees and flowers.

Kindness activists launched multiple fundraisers, collecting clothes and school supplies. They used items to support socially vulnerable families and individuals in the community. Organizers launched another fundraising campaign to support children with tuberculosis hospitalized at the Clinical Hospital of Pulmonology.


The National Week of Kindness collected not only money and clothes but also books to promote family reading and to raise educated and healthy generations of children, regardless of the social status of the families they come from.

Good deeds didn’t spare the animals either. Volunteers raised funds for food and shelter, built cages, and fed stray quadrupeds on a university campus in Chisinau.

To promote a culture of philanthropy and volunteering, organizers held public lessons, competitions, and discussion sessions to develop recommendations for improving the legal framework and encouraging philanthropic involvement. MPs, representatives of relevant public institutions, NGOs, and economic agents attended these events.

The Platform for the Promotion and Development of Philanthropy conducted the “National Week of Kindness” campaign with support from the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

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