PAS deputy Dorian Istratii on Shahed drone: Moldova has no air defense system either

The explosive material in the Shahed drone, which fell on the territory of the Republic of Moldova on 11 February this year, should be an incentive for the country to speed up the process of implementing the system of alerting citizens in case of danger, but also to seriously consider the acquisition of more military threat detection radars. About this announces PAS deputy Dorian Istratii, informs the

The main problem of the Republic of Moldova in the field of defense is that for three decades this policy has been totally neglected, which is why today Moldova has neither an air defense system nor any warning system in case of danger.

“No one, no government has ever thought of our country having such a system, which involves immediate notification in the event of an alert. On the air defense side, the radar we have detects at 250 kilometers and can shoot down at a range of up to 100 kilometers. It is now being tested at the Ministry of Defence, where colleagues have to learn how to use it. And I think we will need more of these radars. I don’t think it will be the only one that Moldova will have, because we have to defend our country. Or, what is written in the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova about neutrality does not protect us from the Kremlin’s missiles”, the parliamentarian said.

In addition to the radar that the Republic of Moldova already has, there are plans to purchase several other radars.


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