PHOTO START lavender picture season! See which fields are open for visitors

Surely you have been waiting for the lavender season for the colorful pictures. You should know that some fields have already been opened for visitors and others will be waiting for you in a few days. So, soon, the social media networks will be colored in purple, writes

If you want to be among the first lucky ones to visit the lavender fields, we have prepared a list of locations and access prices.

The lavender field in the village of Colonița, Chisinau, has been open for visitors since June 15. The entrance price is 50 lei for one person, and if you go with family or friends you can benefit from a special price. Retirees, students and pupils over the age of 13 will also benefit from discounts, they will pay only 40 lei. Also, children aged between 7 and 13 will pay 30 lei, and those up to 6 years old will have free access. If you go with a professional photographer he will get free admission.

The lavender field is located just 5 km from Chisinau, on the edge of the village of Colonița. You can also get there by public transport: bus 24 and get off at the first station at the entrance to the village of Colonița. In the field you will be able to admire two varieties of lavender: white and purple.

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Starting from tomorrow, June 18, the lavender field “Lavandita” opens for visitors. The chain is open from 09:00 to 21:00, and if you want to meet the sunrise you can contact the owners. Admission costs 50 lei per person, children up to 7 years have free access. Picnics are also allowed on the lavender field. All you need is a blanket and snacks. As for the own decor, the light one is allowed, which will not damage the lavender bushes. You will also be able to purchase bouquets of lavender and other plant-containing products.

The lavender field from Novaci, CălăraÈ™i will open in about a week, as some rows are still green, the owners told On this occasion we announce that on June 26 they will organize the unique event “Purple Sunset”. Thus, you will be able to welcome the most beautiful sunset of your life on a lavender field. The event will start at 16:00. The entrance price is 100 lei before event and 150 lei on the day of the event. The ticket price includes a gift lavender bouquet, unique decor and pictures taken by Andrian Rusu Photographer throughout the event, which will be uploaded later on the Aromenature Facebook page. During the event you will have the opportunity to enjoy cocktails, various snacks and wines from the local producer “Crama Tataru”.

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