PM of Moldova and Swedish Ambassador Discuss Priorities for Continued Cooperation

Moldovan Prime Minister Dorin Recean and Swedish Ambassador to Moldova Katarina Fried discussed the top priorities for the continuous development of Moldovan-Swedish cooperation. The two officials talked about the support given to Moldova and their value for community development based on the European model.

Recean mentioned that the Moldovan authorities rely on Sweden’s support in the process of European integration, including in the context of the country’s presidency of the Council of the European Union during the first half of this year. The officials also talked about justice reform, economic growth, job creation, support for small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as increased investment in renewable energy.

“European integration is an irreversible strategic priority of our country, so we remain focused on fulfilling the 9 recommendations of the European Commission. We want a country with strong institutions, a resilient economy, prosperous citizens, and a competitive business environment,” said the Prime Minister.

In turn, Ambassador Katarina Fried mentioned her willingness to continue supporting Moldova’s European path and modernization efforts.


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