Podoleak, to the Romanians: Russia will enter the Republic of Moldova and Romania

If Russia is not stopped, it will enter the Republic of Moldova, then Romania, says Ukrainian presidential adviser Mihail Podoleak. In an interview given to hotnews.ro, the official from Kiev said that the Kremlin administration could dominate all of Europe.

In his opinion, the war started by Moscow is not about the “right to the territory”, but about the “right to live as you want”. Vladimir Zelensky’s adviser believes that Putin has made it clear that he will not respect international law.


“We are trying to explain the nature of this conflict, of this war. I want to convey to the 25% of the population of Romania (n. ed.: who disapprove of helping Ukraine): Do you agree that the Russians come to you and cut your children? If you don’t agree to help Ukraine now and are not sorry for everything that might happen if Russia is not stopped, the Russians will enter Moldova and then they will enter Romania. And it is possible that Russia will dominate all of Europe,” states Podoleak.

Moreover, according to him, Russia would invest in corruption and subversion of public order in other countries. In his opinion, the existence of Europe is currently under question.

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