Poland announces its support for Moldova’s European integration process

Poland will support accelerating Moldova’s accession to the European Union. After meeting with Polish Foreign Affairs Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi announced it.

Deputy PM Mihai Popsoi emphasized that Radoslaw Sikorski urged Moldova to continue implementing reforms and aligning with European standards, affirming that Moldova’s place is in the European Union.

“I thanked my Polish counterpart for the support provided to Moldova, and we agreed to continue deepening our bilateral relations as Moldova advances on the European integration path. We also discussed the priorities of the Polish presidency at the EU Council and the Visegrad Group. I expressed appreciation for the recent declaration adopted at the Weimar foreign affairs ministers’ meeting, which includes a message of support for our country,” Mihai Popsoi noted.


The officials also explored opportunities to improve economic cooperation.

“Currently, we have Polish capital investments in key sectors such as IT, construction, and agriculture. We want more Polish companies to invest in Moldova,” the deputy PM stressed.

Additionally, the two officials exchanged views on the importance of inter-parliamentary cooperation, defense, regional security, and hybrid threats.

From 17-20 June this year, Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister Mihai Popsoi is on a working visit to Warsaw, Poland, Bratislava, Slovakia, and Vienna, Austria.

It is worth mentioning that Poland will take over the Presidency of the EU Council on 1 January 2025.

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