Premiere for Moldova! A new regulation on radiation exposure

Nuclear or radiological activities, which produce ionizing radiation exposures of personnel and the population, will be regulated by law. Deputies approved, in the first reading, at the meeting of September 22, the draft law regarding the basic requirements in radiological security.

The law on the basic requirements in radiological security will contribute to reducing exposures, reducing the risk of radioactive contamination of the environment, but also to increasing transparency in the decision-making process related to the regulation of radiological security.

The adoption of this draft law is necessary, since, until now, in the Republic of Moldova there is no normative act in force, which would provide for general and specific requirements regarding ensuring security and radiological protection under the conditions of the impact of ionized radiation sources used in industry, research , state security, science, radiological incidents or accidents, or those of natural origin.

The draft law is to be approved in the final reading.


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