Prime Minister met the UNDP Resident Representative in Moldova. Energy vulnerability is on the agenda

The government and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will collaborate closely to achieve the goals outlined in the Country Programme for 2023-2027. Prime Minister Dorin Recean conveyed this commitment during a meeting with the UNDP Resident Representative in Moldova, Daniela Gasparikova. The government’s communication department reported it.

The Prime Minister expressed gratitude for the support in various fields, particularly in energy efficiency, the institutionalization of the energy vulnerability reduction fund, justice reform projects, the transition to a green economy, and measures to adapt to and mitigate climate change.

“We fully support the advancement of cooperation for Moldova’s sustainable development and assure you of the government’s commitment to achieving all our joint objectives with UNDP,” Prime Minister Dorin Recean stated.


The Moldova-UNDP Country Programme for 2023-2027 prioritizes cooperation and assistance in inclusive institutions, participatory governance, social cohesion, and enhanced prosperity through sustainable economic and ecological development.

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