Recean with the European Commissioner for the Economy: He thanked him for the €250 million support

Dorin Recean engaged in discussions with Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for Economy, during the Moldova-EU Association Council meeting. The Prime Minister spoke to the Brussels official about “building a developed, resilient and competitive economy, ensuring economic growth and access to the EU internal market” and thanked him for the financial support of 250 million euros.

At the same time, the Prime Minister informed Gentiloni about the Government’s Economic Growth Plan. According to the Prime Minister, the authorities’ interventions will support the country’s accession to the EU internal market.

“We want to develop an economic model aligned with the European one, focused on digitization, innovations, energy efficiency, and green economy, as well as a favorable and predictable business environment,” Recean said.


The officials also discussed the economic reform planned in Moldova for 2024-2026. The two also referred to the Partnership Platform for Moldova and the organization of high-level ministerial conferences, as a result of which Moldova will benefit from external support.

The Chief Executive also noted that Moldova is waiting for a successful evaluation of its application for accession to the Single Euro Payments Area.

For his part, Paolo Gentiloni encouraged the Moldovan government to continue implementing reforms.

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