Romania will support Moldova’s participation in peacekeeping missions

Romania will support Moldova’s participation in peacekeeping operations and missions. Lawmakers today ratified a protocol to the Agreement between the Moldovan and Romanian governments on military cooperation.

Thus, Romania and the Republic of Moldova will support each other in the context of preparation and participation in peacekeeping missions and operations within multinational coalitions under the aegis of the UN, OSCE, NATO, or the EU, including logistical, transportation, telephone, and internet, financial, medical and emergency evacuation support.

The second Protocol, amending the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of Romania on cooperation in the military field, aims to facilitate the mutual provision of logistical support and services related to joint participation in peacekeeping operations and missions. One of the National Army’s top priorities is to improve Moldova’s effective participation in international peacekeeping missions and operations, strengthening security and stability.


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