Romanian Parliament Backs European Integration for Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, and Balkans

The joint session of the two Chambers of Parliament, on Tuesday, adopted with a majority of votes a resolution on the European perspective of the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, and the Western Balkans, informs Agerpres.

A decision to this effect was approved on Monday by the joint permanent Bureaus. The draft text was agreed upon with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Through this resolution, the Parliament reiterates its full support for the European integration of Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, and Georgia. At the same time, it supports a positive decision by the European Council regarding the opening of accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, taking into account “the clear and substantial efforts and progress made by the two states in implementing the recommendations” of the European Commission, as well as the Union’s commitment to supporting these countries on their European path.

The Parliament calls for continued European support for the advancement of Georgia’s European path, including by granting candidate status for accession, “taking into account the clear pro-European orientation of the citizens of this state.” The Romanian Parliament “encourages” the continued efforts of Georgia to implement the recommendations of the European Commission.

Additionally, the legislature in Bucharest emphasizes the need for increased EU commitment to ensuring peace, stability, and security in its Eastern Neighborhood, as well as towards “the development of all dimensions of connectivity of the states in the region” with the European Union.

The Parliament reaffirms its support for the enlargement process in the Western Balkans “based on the merits of the candidates in fulfilling the assumed commitments, attachment to European values, and a clear pro-European strategic choice.”

According to the resolution, the Parliament reiterates its readiness to cooperate and provide support to the Parliaments of candidate and potential candidate states for the advancement of accession processes. The resolution invokes the right of any sovereign state to decide on its foreign policy and security arrangements corresponding to national interests.

The debate on the resolution took place in the context of the proposal by Titus Corlățean, the president of the Senate’s Foreign Policy Committee, to adopt a declaration in support of Georgia’s European path.


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