Seasonal fairs and leisure activities in the Chisinau public parks

The City Hall of Chisinau informs about the admission of the development of certain seasonal trade and leisure services in the city parks, until the tender bids (but not later than 31.10.2022), in order to support the small businesses affected by the Covid pandemic.
The activities stated refer to the trade in the stall with popcorn and/or sugar wool from specialized units powered by electricity and the provision of the services for renting recreational goods (electric cars for children, boats, hydrobicycles).

A provision in this regard was signed by the general mayor, Ion Ceban.

Within the organization of the stated activities, it is forbidden to mark the specialized ambulance units, fed with liquefied gas (from the cylinder); the location of the units of traveling trade or services in the rest areas for citizens, in places other than those established by the LPA; conducting the commercial activity by a single beneficiary through several commercial units located on the territory of a single park, square, public garden; conducting the activity of trade with popcorn and/or sugar wool in the absence of the saver-veterinary authorization; the exploitation of recreational goods that do not meet the technical and security requirements.

The beneficiaries of the respective units will ensure: the careful external aspect of the places of marketing/providing services; marketing only the products allowed or providing the allowed services; sanitation of the site throughout the period of carrying out the activity/provision of services, compliance with the prevention and diminishing measures of the spread of the Covid-19 virus; The evacuation of the units of traveling trade or services, when organizing the tenders with shout for the respective product/services category, but not later than 31.10.2022.

The sector prices will ensure the issuance of individualized location schemes only for legal and natural persons registered in the established way, according to notifications submitted to the General Economy, Trade and Tourism Directorate.


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